My offerings
$200 / 90-min, New client intake session
$150 / 60-min, Established client session
Sessions are experienced on a massage table in a state of deep relaxation where the goal is to access the mindbody connection to emotional memories stored in the body. Using an integration of psycholinguistics, somatic-emotional bodywork, and holistic health coaching, together we listen empathetically to the body story, letting it unwind its energy and release its charge from the past into the ever unfolding present moment where healing happens. Using somatic therapy techniques from Rubenfeld Synergy Method®, Body Electronics, and neuromuscular bodywork, we touch, feel and talk about it—whatever it is—to support your healing journey. The goal is to nurture greater integration and harmony in what you feel, what you say and what you do while releasing stress, discomfort, trauma and pain.
1-on-1 somatic therapy sessions can also be done virtually via Zoom, FaceTime or WhatsApp. I will guide you to use touch to locate emotional blockages in your body to start a therapeutic conversation.
1-on-1 Somatic Therapies Session
Get monthly access to me via text message once you are a client and have completed a 1-on1 intake session. The text msg program provides realtime feedback for those moments when it’s time to say how you feel and what you need but you’re not sure how you feel or what you need. I’m happy to do a quick check-in to help you get in touch with yourself, listen to and integrate all your parts, so you can better self-regulate and respond in an adaptive way when it matters most.
(2 to 3 quick check-ins per week, after that I’ll invite you to book a 1-on-1 session.)
Monthly Text Membership for Clients
$300 / Takes 2 sessions. In-person or virtual.
When it comes to preventing chronic mindbody ill health, your self-care plan is more important than your healthcare plan, because your healthcare mostly helps you after you’re sick. But why wait until you’re sick to take preventive action? Help yourself move forward with healthy change today by creating a self-care action plan. I’ll coach you through 3 self-assessments and use those to set realistic, incremental milestones for achieving your personal health goals.
1—Family history of chronic illnesses.
2—Self-care skills.
3—Habitual defense mechanisms.
Self-Care Plan
Project specific pricing. On-site or virtual.
Bring me in as a holistic health consultant or mental health support staff to your business, organization or school. Workshop topics include meditation, preventive self-care practices, fasting therapy, somatic emotional integration exercises and mouthbody care for oral-systemic health. Tell me what your needs are, and I’ll be in touch to talk about how I can help.
Holistic Health Consulting
Download your free guide to healthy self-care.
Subscribe to my email list and get a free PDF of 12 Self-Care Practices for Lifelong Health — a motivational overview of the 12 most important self-care skills we all need to practice every day. (Tape them to your mirror to jumpstart faster change.)
Services Overview
Self-Care Plans
$350/takes 1 week (includes two 1-on-1 sessions plus emails)
I help you design a personalized 90-day Self-Care Action Plan to reduce your risk of chronic illness and imbalance. We set realistic, incremental milestones for achieving holistic health goals to improve your moods, mental focus and physical wellbeing.
Holistic Health Consulting & Coaching
Custom packages
Bring me on-site or team up with me virtually to co-create a program that works for your business, organization or school. I’m happy to help kickstart healthy change by educating your community about preventive self-care practices easily within reach for everyone.
1-on-1 Sessions
$225/90-min intake session; $175/45-min session
In person, hands-on, sitting or lying on a table, or virtually. For when you stress scar tissue, trigger a pain body, get emotionally swept to sea, or check out and need help integrating all your parts. I’ll help you listen to body memories to get to the bottom of it.