For those who like to go fast, who need to go faster, and who have no time to waste restoring better physical, mental and emotional health.
Purge toxic waste, burn fat, release emotional blockages and liberate yourself from habitual negative thinking and stuck somatic patterns in days instead of months or years. This body-first approach to fast personal transformation combines 10 days of fasting with 10 somatic therapy sessions to help you get beneath your skin and trigger deep healing from inside-out for results that are visible and palpable.
Take a break from over-consumption to restore gutbrain health
Reset your vagal tone from stressed to rested & connected
Free yourself from insecure attachments to foods & people
Touch the defense mechanisms blocking you from change
Purge mental ‘crap,’ physical waste and emotional distress
Release trauma memories and blocked emotional energy
Jumpstart healthy bodymind changes that lasts
Inside the book
When you practice observing yourself with your eyes wide open, without judgment and without projection, you become aware of yourself as you are, and you get a fast pass to self-acceptance. Self-acceptance is accepting ‘what is’ about yourself, including what you see when you look at yourself naked in a mirror, but also what you sense about yourself when you close your eyes to glance inward. If you can observe your own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, behaviors, attitudes and physical state of being, then those aspects of you that you can observe are not your Observing Self. Your Observing Self sees all of it and remains unchanging over time. So why identify with those aspects of yourself that are changing?
When experiencing pain and suffering in any given moment, it’s even more painful to tell yourself that you are an unloved person, or unlovable person, or an angry person, or insecure person, or a sick person, or a depressed person, or an addict. Whatever it may be. Those thoughts are all judgements, and they feel heavy and disappointing. Soon enough you start thinking of yourself and your situation negatively.
However, it’s easy to accept that you have a trauma trigger, or an addictive habit, or faulty logic, or an outdated belief system, or a sick gut, or an attachment to behaviors that are illness causing, or an unmet need. Maybe you even have symptoms that get you a medical diagnosis—a physical sign of your bodymind distress. It’s critical to discern that the symptoms and diagnosis aren’t you either. They are a part of you, indeed a very important part of you, but they aren’t ‘You.’

Meet the author.
Camilla Griggers, PhD is a feminist cultural theorist, somatic therapist and educator, and holistic health consultant. Her books and articles integrate psycholinguistics with somatic therapies for an innovative perspective on preventive self-care and healthcare. She lives in Santa Monica, California by the Pacific Ocean where she enjoys writing educational books about wellbeing, taking long walks on the beach, practicing sweaty yoga, sourcing organic foods from her raw food club and local farmers markets, and spontaneously jumping for joy in the SoCal sunshine.
Coming soon…
The mouthbody connection has changed conventional dentistry and its materials, tools and treatments. As a consumer, you have a choice about which kind of dentistry you want—the old conventional dentistry that pretends your mouth and your body are separate when they’re not, or the new holistic dentistry that treats your mouth and body as connected because they are. This book makes sure you are informed about that choice before you sit in a dentist’s chair, or put your child in one. It explains the 6 top dental problems that can jeopardize your systemic health or the health of loved ones and shows how oral-systemic dentistry can reduce your risk of chronic illnesses such as scoliosis, diabetes, chronic infection, autoimmune disease, heart attack/stroke, cancer and dementia. Learn what to do about:
Recurrent tooth decay
Gum disease
Wisdom teeth extraction
Root canals
Mercury amalgam dental fillings
TMJ, chronic pain, misaligned teeth & scoliosis
Inside the book
The Problem: Separating Dentistry from General Medicine
Once you understand the connection between your mouth and the rest of your body, it’s easy to see the correlations between oral health and a wide range of chronic conditions that are challenging so many people today. The reason is because your mouth isn’t separate from your body! That biological and physiological reality is obvious yet easy to forget in the United States where a profit-driven healthcare system treats and bills your mouth and body separately, requiring you to have two different health insurance plans—one for dentistry to treat your mouth and one for medicine to treat the rest of you. And typically, the two practitioners who engage those two insurance plans—your dentist and your doctor—don’t communicate with each other about your health or treatments.
What an inefficient and costly way to practice dentistry and medicine!
MOUTHBODY HEALTHCARE teaches you to put your body where your mouth is, providing a quick primer on oral-systemic dentistry including its values, materials and treatments. The book then addresses 6 common dental problems facing millions of Americans and reviews holistic treatments that are minimally-invasive and prevention-oriented, designed to keep your teeth in your mouth into happy and healthy old age. This book is an invaluable resource for everyone who values lifelong holistic health, including parents making dental choices for their children’s wellbeing.