Holistic perspectives on lifelong mindbody health.

Why don’t Americans take better care of ourselves?
Camilla Griggers, PhD Camilla Griggers, PhD

Why don’t Americans take better care of ourselves?

Think of how many conversations you’ve personally had with struggling spouses, family members, friends and colleagues who say “I don’t know,” when you ask them why they don’t take care of themselves. “I don’t know” is a mantra we hear too often when we ask hard questions about personal health and wellbeing. Maybe we do it ourselves when in reality we’re concerned about our health.

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How to be well in the age of fake news
Camilla Griggers, PhD Camilla Griggers, PhD

How to be well in the age of fake news

Things are not what they seem on the internet, in the news or in social media threads rife with misinformation. Everywhere you look you’ll see fake news, fake friends, fake gaming avatars and fake comments. Google bombs and censorship surround the communications of some of the best alternative health practitioners. Who can we trust?

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Why fast?
Camilla Griggers, PhD Camilla Griggers, PhD

Why fast?

This DDT publicity stunt was shot at Jones Beach State Park, New York in 1948. It was intended to convince the American public that DDT spraying was safe. It wasn’t safe at all. DDT is linked to increased risk of both breast cancer and Alzheimer’s dementia.

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Changing the way we heal
Camilla Griggers, PhD Camilla Griggers, PhD

Changing the way we heal

When we get sick, any of us, we get sick in mind and body and emotions and spirit—all at the same time. Because they’re all connected. This explains why the chronic illness epidemic affecting more than 50% of Americans parallels a spike in the divorce rate, which has doubled since the 1990s.

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Preventing dementia starts early
Camilla Griggers, PhD Camilla Griggers, PhD

Preventing dementia starts early

We’ve all heard the common phrase “It’s just old age” when the topic of dementia comes up, as if cognitive impairment and neurological degeneration are a natural consequence of aging. But is that true? Learn about neurotoxins in our environment that increase the risk of neurological degenerative illnesses among people of all ages.

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6 things to do in a healing crisis
Camilla Griggers, PhD Camilla Griggers, PhD

6 things to do in a healing crisis

Healing is a process of detoxifying, recycling and regrowing cells and tissues into the healthy whole state we were designed to embody. A healing crisis happens when we are injured or sickoned and our body phagocytices damaged tissue, eliminates the waste and creates scar tissue to prepare for regeneration.

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Bodymind is one word.
